Saturday, December 30, 2006

Rendez Vous at Spray

I will not probably go...well, let's see...It's a french, may be i should support him!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

It was...

First, I didn't think about making anything special 4 X-mass...
I get some unexpected presents...
Mlle Gressss took me in a unexpected dinner...
Then, go for an unexpected cheese cake and machiato in another place...
We've been to Spray club, Me Mlle Gressss and Diva Diddy...
We had so much fun, dancing, drinking...
Finally we've been to Proper Pizza in Sunny Hill...
And go to sleep at 5.30 in the morning...
What a good unexpected X-mass...................

Friday, December 15, 2006

I wish....

Voilà ma liste au Père Noël :
Porte feuille Louis Vuitton
Alliance en platine de chez Cartier
Disque dur externe 2OOGo ( design SVP)
Dans la série "séries",
L'intégrale de "Sex & the city"
L'intégrale de "Absolustely Fabulous"
La saison 1 et 2 de "Desperate Housewives"
Des converses roses pointure 43 (9UK)
Des amis pour le Réveillon de la Saint Sylvestre
Une bonne mine pour janvier
Une cure de repos en prévison de janvier
De l'Amour, de l'Amour, de l'Amour....
et la Paix dans le Monde....
Oups, j'suis pas Miss France....

Friday, December 08, 2006

babies serie

Go baby Go gO.....make me get in!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

colour range

Part of my in Hyères...
hope to be one in the 7

Sunday, December 03, 2006

murder Nb2

I bleached his faced!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Dedicated to

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Work in Progres

there's something 'bout this let's keep it moving
and if it's good let's just get something cooking
coz i really wanna rock with you
i'm feeling some connection to the things you do


1. make a trouser in a very stiff and dark blue denim...
2. Put it on and have fun...
3. you will see....still in progress

murder on the wooden floor

So you'd better feel the groove....

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I wish I was...

Je voulais faire un post + photo...
J'ai fais les photos, mais mon cable de transfert est à paris...
Comment ca s'appelle les petits appareils pour transferer les images directement depuis la carte??
J'en veux un,
il m'en faut un...
je vous dis à n'ai pas la possibilité de réaliser les posts comme il le faut...d'autant qu'il y en aura pleins

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

souriez ou fuyez

attention, nuisible en vue!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Glasses me !!!!


Voilà un titre d'enfer plutot prometteur. Je suis au regret d'ajouter que ce n'est que publicité mensongère.
Je n'ai aucune révélation à faire.
Ceci étant, je voulais ajouter un post.
Mon premier post de trentenaire!
Mais non, vous qui etes déjà passer par là dirons que ca ne fait rien...
et ce qui n'y sont pas encore passé, qui en sont n'ai qu'une chose à ajouter:
Ca ne fait strictement rien!
Par contre, toute les autres résolutions qu'on prend à l'approche de cette date fatidique font mal...
J'ai arreté de fumer....(putain, je m'en grillerai bien une)
J'ai décidé d'etre aimable.... ( ca n'aura duré que le temps d'une soirée !! j'étais bourré)
J'ai décidé de faire du sport... (super le coup de froid en sortant de la piscine)
J'ai décidé de travailler davantage... (je dors trop à cause du coup de froid et pas assez pour etre en forme)
Bref, ne vous laissez pas gagner par la frénésie de chercher un sens à tout ca...Il n'y en a pas...
J'arrete mes résolutions, mais je vais quand meme essayer de continuer certaines....

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Je retrouve enfin ma connexion vais avoir 3 semaines de photos à mettre a jour rapidement

Thursday, September 14, 2006

La phrase du jour....


entendue rue Pierre Dupont devant un centre de formation
dite par une blonde!!!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Indian Vibes at Lille

Plastic Indian Elephant on Lille Opera circus


Happy Hours at Lille....


Just a plastic dummy....with my accessories

Saturday, August 26, 2006

she get it!!!

Happy Bday mi....very trendy, notice that it's in accordance with your snikers...

Friday, August 25, 2006

special Thanks to..........

You know who I am talking about???....

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What's next...

WHO'S NEXT of course ....find me at " CH.IND" stand...not exactelly me but what I have done, well, may be I'll be there but I still don't know

Action of the sun...

Look to my beautiful suntan 2006...very trendy for this autumn...
( on the picture, I am not pissed off, just tired)


a bitch...ooups , a beach where I was....
I love Bretagne....not for the weather, not for the temperature of the sea...what for?

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Too hot....

sorry, it's too hot....I have no energy to stay out and see interesting things to picture...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Butt of the day

Saw at "David d'Angers street" swimming pool.....

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Caparica 18th kilometres

I wish I could be there.......Well...I was there, one month ago....

Monday, July 17, 2006


Saturday, photo shooting for next summer collection 2007....Hope everything gonna be alright...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

do you want some water???

If you like to drink, just come home, I will be glad to offer you a glass of water... cause I need some free bottles to fill them with my "Sex on the Beach"..........................

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Pique Nique...

N'oubliez pas!

Monday, July 10, 2006


N'oubliez pas le bal du 14...enfin allez y le 13, car le 14 c'est le pique nique au Champs de Mars....

le chouchou du jour...

toujours au bord du canal....

Dé bord du canal

avec des dragibus géants....

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Let me tell you something.....just know that it can happen to anyone....I have a "paralysie faciale a frigore" or more well known as " maladie de Bell"....I will not tell you what is it....Just look, through Google....

Friday, July 07, 2006


( a factory, Dardania, Prishtina, Kosovo)
Today, I am not here.... I have no taste, I lost it but don't know where...I don't want to eat, cause I feel nothing....What's happening to me????

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Maison Martin Margiela..........

.......................Lignes artisanales pour femme 0 et homme 010 Automne/Hiver 2006
Une pièce par mois....c'est peu, mais c'est tres exclusif...

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Balenciaga Fever....

Faboulous....just go and see it too...but, better go one day in the morning!
Beware of fashion bitches....

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Oedipe or not ?

Bon!! tu l'as fait??? Hey!! Did you do it?

Gnarls Barkley at "Bataclan"

SO SO nice....just imagine, Cirkus featuring Neneh Cherry was in first part of the concert...then a human beatbox....also performing with Cirkus...I promise you, as soon as I find his name, I will tell you...
It's was completely CRAZY!!!

F*** me...

I was there, even for the opening cocktail...Thanks "Clarins" for your skin cares...ahah...But finally, I spend more time at " la Jonhson" on the third floor...terrific, it was...

Sunday, July 02, 2006


After loosing, he just came back to his sponsor....
( This picture came from Prizren, Kosova )

Monday, June 26, 2006

Fooding 2006

Sunday 25/06/2006
Fooding....queuing and waiting all the time there....but was nice, for a first experience


Gaypride, the saturday 24th of june 2006....
We were about 800 000 according to what say Antoine Baduel from Fg radio...Personnaly, I just went to bastille for the final concert...Just imagine, dancing on Bastille square....just heady...

meeting with Babar

Saturday 24 th of june 2006 50 cm from my's really scary!
Babar was at the "Jardin d'acclimatation",
also the 1st year students of Esmod too showing their costumes around a vegetal garden party theme.

Friday, June 23, 2006

what a day....

I stay home all the what a day, just finishing a lot of old things unfinished for so long....
even it's not true cause I go out to buy the french "baguette"...and just imagine that i noticed one restaurant and one shoes store that i never saw before!!!
I am just stupid today, so I am going right now to bed.....

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I just unmasked two of "Les Ambitieuses".....ahahahhaha