Monday, June 26, 2006

Fooding 2006

Sunday 25/06/2006
Fooding....queuing and waiting all the time there....but was nice, for a first experience


Gaypride, the saturday 24th of june 2006....
We were about 800 000 according to what say Antoine Baduel from Fg radio...Personnaly, I just went to bastille for the final concert...Just imagine, dancing on Bastille square....just heady...

meeting with Babar

Saturday 24 th of june 2006 50 cm from my's really scary!
Babar was at the "Jardin d'acclimatation",
also the 1st year students of Esmod too showing their costumes around a vegetal garden party theme.

Friday, June 23, 2006

what a day....

I stay home all the what a day, just finishing a lot of old things unfinished for so long....
even it's not true cause I go out to buy the french "baguette"...and just imagine that i noticed one restaurant and one shoes store that i never saw before!!!
I am just stupid today, so I am going right now to bed.....

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I just unmasked two of "Les Ambitieuses".....ahahahhaha

Après "Le Secret Des Poignards Volants", voici "Le Secret Des Vélos Volants"....
After "The House Of Flying Daggers", here is "The House Of The Flying Bikes"....

I was there... Zombie was nice...GilbR too...But I didn't stay as long to see the others...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

It's in Portugal in Evora ... a chapel completely decorated with bones and skulls...It's disgusting....

Muito bon

It's just the truth..........................Lisboa is so good

mr sticker remover

What Lisboa can expect with some sticker removers...
just cry on their short life...

Monday, June 19, 2006

philosophy ?

I saw the light at the end of the were not there!


me, me, in love with me actually