Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Finally was not a so bad day...
I woke up, went working...
And what a day!!!! Fitting at 5pm and many things to do!
I finish everything finally!
And, went home...meet Christian and a friend of him Jean Paul who come to spend the night here...
We drink champagne!!!
I get drunk...
And, as you know me!!!
I was out of me...
Which was the best state for me today!
Finally, I can say that I have a great day...
Still have the birthday cake to eat!!!
Thanks for all your support,
Thanks for not wishing my B-day...
A new year in front of me!
COOL....I am happy, finally!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Happy B-day to me...

Time to turn 31...
Don't talk,
Don't tell,
Don't wish,
Don't celebrate,
Don't say anything...

Monday, October 22, 2007

Never enough

To my dear friends, who leave comments here...
Always think that it's never enough...
Life is a real bitch,
Whatever you do,
There is always somebody
Who remind you that what you do is not enough !
Stay or move on ?
Here is the question...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

To my kosovar friends...

Got the ticket...I will be back the 5th november at 15:OO....
see you soon, and i will try to post from Paris so that you can follow my adventures over here!!!

Under my bed!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Dedicated to mimi...

Last post in Prishtina...before november

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Diddy's revenge...

He eat it all...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Out in Fushe Kosova

Day trip out with a beautiful and hot sunshine in the field of Fushe Kosova...
Diddy and I went there trying to find cows to make pictures...
No idea about where to go...Fortunately, we found Adnan in the village...
He took us to this wonderfull place full of cows...
We have been walking more than 30 minutes!!!
We deserved that rest after picturing the cows!!!
Just rest, talk, do stupid things, smoke...and relaxxx
We went to a river that we cross on a very very scary bridge!!
Make some pics of feet for Dear Mimi...

Adnan, David and Diddy in the middle of nowhere field...

Sitting in a big tube coming from the ground!!???

Along the railway where we almost die...

Sympatic bridge...

Dedicated to Mi...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Friends from Fushe Kosovo

From the left to the right....
Burim, Mentor, Tefik, Adnan and Me

Mentor, Emrin and Adnan...

Sunday, October 14, 2007


Le dernier immeuble a été dynamité lors d'un réglement de compte...
Voilà l'histoire....Une chanteuse dont j'ai oublié le nom est au centre de ce massacre...
Son mari, membre de la police fut assassiné il y a un mois par l'ex petit ami de celle ci...
L'ex, gangster, drug dealer et mafieux notoire à commanditer l'assassinat du mari....
La chanteuse, enceinte du policier, folle de rage, fit à son tour assassiner le gangster...
La méthode employée, le dynamitage, plutot extreme en son genre, fut un succes...
Voyez les dégats!!!
Cependant, il se trouve que l'ex ne déceda pas!!! C'est con hein!!
Mais d'autres innocents trouveront la morts et furent blessés...
Bilan : 2 morts, 11 blessés....10 boutiques ravagées par le souffle de l'explosion!
Morale de l'histoire, mieux vaut ne pas etre une chanteuse populaire au Kosovo!

Saturday, October 13, 2007


Le dernier, explosé, c'est vachement mieux...Plus fun, à savoir que c'était un repère mafieux....Dynamité récemment lors d'un réglement de compte...avec une chanteuse!

Out of...

Desole, j ai plus internet a la maison...peut etre lundi quelqu un viendra reparer...a moins qu un miracle se produise...la guine pourrie quand meme de ne pas avoir internet le week end...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Diddy or Cheeseburger!!!!

Queeny Diddy Diamanta Super VIP star resting under a tree...
Better be in a Limo!

The cheeseburger from BOSS...bon appétit.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

As you cannot see!!!

Now U can see us partying!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Gideon Jakson @ Spray club

Just listen...

Friday, October 05, 2007

Hair fix

Coupe + shampoing anti pelliculaire + soin ré équilibrant = 22euros...
c'est indécent

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Accumulation, 1er projet

"Accumulation sur canapé" dans ma chambre

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Here is Skender...almost, my room mate

Monday, October 01, 2007

Day trip

Bon, voilà... arrivé...
et grand ménage d'automne dans mon appart où la poussière c'est accumulée pendant 4 mois grace à une fenetre ouverte!!!
Youpi...c'est vraiment dégueu !!!
Le Kosovo est très pollué!