Tuesday, December 26, 2006

It was...

First, I didn't think about making anything special 4 X-mass...
I get some unexpected presents...
Mlle Gressss took me in a unexpected dinner...
Then, go for an unexpected cheese cake and machiato in another place...
We've been to Spray club, Me Mlle Gressss and Diva Diddy...
We had so much fun, dancing, drinking...
Finally we've been to Proper Pizza in Sunny Hill...
And go to sleep at 5.30 in the morning...
What a good unexpected X-mass...................


Anonymous said...

well you didn't get anything from the list but I'm happy you enjoyed your Xmass :D

dav said...

yes, finally

les ambitieuses said...

alors comme ça t'aime pas les martinets... flute alors...
gros bisous chicky chicken!!